Iona Fyfe

Award-winning Scots singer and musician

Latest articles from Iona Fyfe

COMMENT Iona Fyfe: Why John Swinney is the right person to unify the SNP

WHAT we need right now is a self-aware, grounded, and focused leader who is willing to reach out across the divide to unify the party. And unify he will. In a tumultuous week for Scottish politics, we’ve heard the phrases "safe pair of hands" and "steady the ship" more than we can count. But it’s the truth.

NATIONAL EXTRA Iona Fyfe: Spotify Unwrapped? More like Spotify stitch-up

THIS week as listeners viewed their Spotify Unwrapped statistics on who their most-played artists and bands were, musicians took to social media to describe the all-too-familiar feeling of mass exploitation at the hands of streaming platforms, and particularly at the hands of Spotify’s CEO, Daniel Ek.