A PROPERTY group chief has been appointed president of the business group Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC) after Nora Senior stood down after four years in the post.

Tim Allan, chief executive of Unicorn Property Group will replace her. He is also founder and director of Motor Fuel Group, the second largest independent fuel retailer in the UK, and is a member of St Andrews University Court.

“Across Scotland, businesses are working hard to grow, to keep jobs secure and tap into new markets, and I look forward to utilising my role as president to champion the needs of business and showcase the contributions we make to Scotland’s economy,” said Allan.

“The core part of my role will be informed by tackling the key challenges facing the economic landscape of our country: navigating through an uncertain and ever-shifting investment environment, the need to create a flexible, skilled workforce suited to a modern economy and increasing Scotland’s exporting performance.

“I look forward to working with both the Scottish and UK Governments to ensure that they provide a platform for the Scottish business community to grow.”

Senior added: “I am proud of the progress we have made for our young people in Scotland through the Developing Young Workforce groups, the increased opportunities for businesses to trade overseas through the international Chambers of Commerce network and growing our B2B support through Business Mentoring.”