I AGREE with Cat Boyd (Why I’m standing up for a banker found guilty of a £1.4 billion fraud, The National, November 28) that Kweku Adoboli should be allowed to stay in the UK. It is his superiors who should be taking the rap.

Kweku has spent the time since his arrest lecturing, teaching and writing about the squalid and dirty heart of the banking industry. He never profited from his misdeeds and he, the whistleblower, is being punished for the sins of those on whom he blew the whistle. I have signed the petition against his deportation (goo.gl/gqVMVw) and would encourage others to do likewise.

However, Cat, Ghana is not a “small country”. Ghana’s area is 92,497 square miles: Scotland’s area is 30,090 square miles. The population of Ghana in 2014 was estimated at 27,043,093; Scotland’s population is 5,404,700.

If the worst comes to the worst, Kweku may find work which will be useful to the country of his birth, for Ghana is a country rich in resources and talent. It has a fast-developing financial sector and can in no way be described a “third-world” country. It is also a country with many historic links to Scotland.
Alexandra MacRae
Letham, Angus

WHILE your anonymous correspondent may well be correct about the Union Flag that some police officers are said to be wearing on their uniforms (Letters, The National, November 27), does he or she not miss the point?

It has always been my understanding that, apart from the poppy, police officers must not wear any sort of indication of sympathy or affiliation on their uniforms.

While the badges that anonymous describes are for a very worthy cause, there would seem to be two reasons to object to them: first, the Union Flag, rightly or wrongly, does, to some people, indicate a specific allegiance; and secondly, where does it stop? Are badges showing support for Cancer Research, or the PDSA, or CHAS, all also very worthy causes, to be allowed? And if so, how many?
Jim Clark

REPLYING to George Kerevan’s thoughtful article in Monday’s edition (Where is Scotland in TV’s full-on Britannia, The National, November 27), I was reminded of a book I picked up in a second-hand store a while back.

Writing for the BBC is subtitled as “a guide to writers on possible markets for their work”. It was first published in 1988, but sections of it seem to be just as relevant today. The author, Norman Longmate, gives specific instructions to writers interested in producing material for what he quaintly calls the National Regions ... I kid you not, that is how Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are described!

Such instructions include: “Historical costume drama is rarely required, as a stock of suitable scripts is already available, or will be produced by adaptations from books.” Later, he writes: “as far as radio is concerned ... policy is to seek plays reflecting contemporary Scotland ... at the same time, dramatic merit rather than any degree of “Scottishness” remains the final criterion.” I’m sorry to have to disappoint Mr Kerevan, but, reading between the lines, it appears that plays and documentaries about historic Scotland and particularly, might I suggest, plays and documentaries about pre-Union Scotland, are very unlikely ever to be made by the BBC.

Especially those that might cast the independent nation of Scotland in a positive light!
David Patrick

REMEMBER when the Unionists lied to us in 2014 about the shipyards? Remember they told shipyard workers that only a No vote could secure them long-term employment? How’s that working out (‘Deeply worrying’ loss of 250 jobs at Rosyth Dockyard, The National, November 29)?

The wider independence movement has an open goal in Fife and should be getting down to Rosyth, right now, with a leaflet campaign to remind people of Better Together’s lies.
Linda Horsburgh

HOW many more broken promises, this time regarding shipbuilding, do we have to suffer before we set ourselves free?
Alistair Ross