THE SNP has everything to do with becoming independent and nothing to do with being independent. We all have our ideas for post-indy Scotland. The Growth Commission is an interesting contribution to that. But let’s not confuse these ideas with the argument for independence.

The argument for independence is simply that Scotland should make its own choices, regardless of what they turn out to be. It is the case for designing Scottish society according to the majority Scottish view, ie whichever election manifesto appeals to the majority.

If we don’t have the courage to make this argument then we should pack up and go home. By making this case we’re stating we’re up for it, that we will make the right choices for Scotland and if we don’t then we will use our native wit and intelligence to rectify the matter. We’re stating that we have the courage to fail.

By arguing over the detail of different post-independence plans we’re signalling that we’re worried and uncertain. Or, to quote William McIlvanney, we’re signalling that “we’re almost 700 years old and we’re still wondering what we want to be when we grow up”.

A movement’s success depends on the battles it chooses to fight. So let’s grow up, stop worrying and choose the right battle – the one which proclaims our wealth, our ambition, our confidence, our values; and our supreme confidence to overcome setbacks.

Frances Roberts
Ardrishaig, Argyll