THE Wee Ginger Dug’s article in Saturday’s National (Catalans are not alone in backing indy Scotland, June 9) was most informative and interesting as usual and it shone a light on the situation in Catalonia.

However I had to gasp when he mentioned corruption and instanced an example of progress being made because “at least now the mayor isn’t driving about in an expensive car that a property developer supposedly gave him as a gift”. Perhaps this is relevant today given that our Glasgow Council has just taken delivery of a spanking new Rolls-Royce from a business magnate for our Lord Provost to drive around in!

As an SNP supporter, and one who is delighted that at long last the Labour cabal in the City Chambers has been ousted, my strong advice is that we send back this “gift” to the biscuit maker or, with his agreement, sell it and spend the monies on the needy populace of our great city.

It is so wrong on so many levels to have our council leaders swanning around in such luxury, donated by a rich man, when there is such suffering around in these days of austerity.

Jim Brady