YOU’LL need a strong stomach to watch this. In fact, get yourself a bottle of Milk of Magnesia and stick a curly straw in it.

Tonight, you have the exquisite pleasure of seeing Piers Morgan interview Nigel Farage, which is really odd as I thought Farage had an exclusive contract with Question Time.

He might be distasteful and arrogant, but Farage has had a more eventful life than your usual cut-out politicians, having survived cancer, a car accident and a plane crash.

Alongside the rose-tinted reminiscing, Morgan will actually ask some questions, and will probe Farage on his two marriages, the Brexit result and his new best pal, Donald Trump.

And what next for Nigel? Might he become that thing he most despises – an immigrant – and go off to work in America?


THIS new series asks us to stop and think about our food instead of just shovelling it all in. What exactly is in it? What happens when you cook it? What does it do to your body?

The team go into a food science lab to put on some white coats and “deconstruct” our foods.

Supermarkets might be packed with a dizzying variety of foods but there was a time when we all ate just one thing: breast milk. It is enough to help a newborn double their body weight in weeks so it must be good stuff, but what’s in it? A cup of human breast milk is put into a centrifuge and analysed by the boffins who show it contains eight grammes of fat – the same as a packet of crisps. No wonder bouncing babies are so bouncy!

It also has vitamins, protein and sugar – everything the body needs, and those needs don’t change as we grow. We just get them from other sources.

What we hunt for in restaurants and supermarkets is the same thing we got as babies.