HAVE you Wordled today?

You know something has caught on when its moniker has entered the lexicon.

Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn, knew his partner loved word games, so he created a guessing game for just the two of them. As a play on his last name, he named it Wordle.

But after the couple played for months, and after it rapidly became an obsession in his family’s WhatsApp group once he introduced it to relatives, Wardle thought he might be on to something and released it to the rest of the world last October.

Word games. Rellies. I hae ma doubts!

According to the New York Times, on November 1, 90 people played.

Last week, more than 300,000 people played.

READ MORE: What is Wordle, and why is my Twitter filled with colourful squares?

It’s been a meteoric rise for the once-a-day game, which invites players to guess a five-letter word. After guessing a five-letter word, the game tells you whether any of your letters are in the secret word and whether they are in the correct place. You have six tries to get it right.

This is causing some tension in our household.

We started playing together. Now we are very much apart – a five-letter word, but not good for vowel value. Must try harder.

No pressure.

Today, I am still sitting on one vowel in the correct place and a tantalisingly floating consonant. I have four goes left. My much better half got it in three.

As I say, no pressure … This reminds me of why we stopped playing Scrabble.

We spent a long time courting with a huge Collins dictionary in tow.

Back in the pre-internet days, the truth was hard to find. We had to use those things called books.

My word, Big Dic was heavy. But worth the effort of carting from Edinburgh to Argyll for our evenings of Scrabble.

Please understand that we weren’t total saddos. We were just skint. Scrabble represented very good value for money in terms of an evening’s entertainment.

Sadly, not everyone played nicely.

I once had a seven-letter word on the first draw. This was not received in quite the sporting terms you might hope. The board was duly tipped upwards. The tiles clattered to the four winds. We have never played Scrabble again. In the past 35 years.

So I’m a wee bit worried about Wordle.

​READ MORE: Kirsty Strickland: This may be why Wordle is proving such a sensation

“I think people kind of appreciate that there’s this thing online that’s just fun,” Wardle said in an interview last week. “It’s not trying to do anything shady with your data or your eyeballs. It’s just a game that’s fun.”

Mrs Wordle says she wakes up every day with a new routine and warms up with the Spelling Bee, which gets her mind right for Wordle.

Though Wordle is now shared with the world, she said she appreciated that Mr Wardle originally created it for her.

“It’s really sweet,” she said. “This is definitely how Josh shows his love.”

Hmmm. I’m afraid I’m not feeling the domestic love with Wordle. But at least there are no moving parts to throw around.

Anyone got any clues for today’s Wordle?