CATALONIA has a new president after Quim Torra, a pro-independence supporter and close ally of the ousted and exiled Carles Puigdemont, was sworn in at the Catalan Parliament.

Torra, a 55-year-old father of three called for a “republic for everyone” during the debate to swear him in, adding: “For the Spanish people and the Catalan people, freedom means republic.”

The relative newcomer to politics called for self-reflection on both sides of the political divide and pledged as one of his priorities to end direct rule from Madrid – which was brought in by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy under the constitution’s Article 155.

He also wants to reintroduce 16 laws suspended by the Constitutional Court, including those covering climate change, energy poverty, and ensuring gender equality.

Torra said: “Some of these laws were approved by unanimity, even with the support of [the Catalan branch of Spain’s ruling] People’s Party, which was not enough to prevent the Spanish government from running over them like a bulldozer and suspending them.”

On the economic front, Torra pledged to set a new minimum salary of €1100 (£970) a month and vowed to boost the government’s business offices abroad to help Catalan companies and attract more foreign investment.