TORY Justice spokesman Liam Kerr was left red-faced after accidentally joining the SNP in an attack on his own party.

Kerr signed up to a motion, tabled by Christine Grahame, criticising Labour and the Tories in Midlothian council, for voting together to block the SNP’s candidate for provost.

Grahame’s had tabled a motion in parliament noting that Peter Smaill, the first Tory Provost of Midlothian, could only get elected “with the support of Labour councillors”.

And that this was “despite the SNP being the largest party on the council”. This was, Grahame added, proof that by “voting Labour, you get Conservative and that 'Better Together' is alive and well".

Grahame said: "Liam Kerr's support for this motion just confirms that even the Tories know it's true – when you vote Labour, you get Tory.

"The grubby Better Together alliance is alive and well right across the country."

A Tory spokesman said it was a mistake, and that Kerr had meant to sign a motion congratulating Smaill.

“The motion was signed in error, and Liam’s support has now been withdrawn.

“But Christine Grahame is at least correct in saying the campaign to keep Scotland in the UK is alive and well.”

The spokesman added: “Liam would very much like to apologise to Christine Grahame for creating the impression he supported one of her barmy interventions – this will clearly never be the case.”