A SCOTTISH Labour MP hopeful has been slammed after describing the Iraq War spin doctor Alastair Campbell as his “hero”.

Gordon McKee, running for the Glasgow South seat, gushed with praise for Tony Blair’s former consigliere after meeting him in 2016.

In a tweet, the candidate said: “Can’t even say how amazing it was to meet [Campbell] in Eastwood this afternoon. The dude is my hero!”

As No. 10’s director of communications in the early noughties, Campbell made the case for invading Iraq, a conflict which resulted in the deaths of between 280,771 – 315,190 people.

Hundreds of thousands more people have been estimated by the medical journal Lancet and research firms to have died as a result of societal breakdown as a result of the war.

The Scottish Greens, who are also in the running to take the seat from the SNP’s Stewart McDonald, said McKee was a “disgrace”.

Greens candidate Niall Christie (below) told The National: “The Iraq War is a stain on our history – one which we’re still feeling the effects of today.

The National: Credit: Cameron Glasgow

“That a wannabe Labour MP like Gordon McKee would describe one of the architects of this disastrous conflict – which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians – as his hero is nothing short of a disgrace.

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“Alastair Campbell is as responsible for dragging the UK into an illegal war as Tony Blair – another of McKee’s idols. The fact he has been allowed to rehabilitate himself as a cuddly commentator is sickening enough. That a new generation of politicians in Westminster would model themselves on him should be unthinkable.”

Christie accused Labour’s candidate of being “near silent on the genocide in Gaza” and it said it “should be no surprise that their next cohort in Westminster will consist of warmongerers and hawks”.

In his most recent post on Facebook made on Wednesday night, McKee posted a picture with himself and the Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot (below) with a call for an "immediate ceasefire in Gaza". 

The National: Dr Husam Zomlot

Christie added: “I can only hope the people of Glasgow South choose peace and reject Gordon McKee.

“Peace is a key tenet of all Green politics and if I am lucky enough to be elected I will spend every day at Westminster speaking up for those who have suffered at the hand of the British state.”

Last year, it was revealed that after the BBC in 2003 reported Campbell had “sexed up” the dossier given to journalists making the case for war, he had suggested the Government threaten to sue the broadcaster.

As Blair’s director of communications, Campbell was known for his combative style and was characterised by former Cabinet minister Tessa Jowell as “aggressive”.

The spin doctor played a central role in the Hutton Inquiry, which cleared Campbell of any wrongdoing in the case of the suicide of weapons expert David Kelly.

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He had claimed the Labour aide beefed up claims about Iraq’s military capacity.

The furore around the affair saw opinion polls the following year record new lows for the public’s faith in the Government.

The National: Alastair Campbell

Campbell (above) has since reinvented himself as a political commentator and hosts the popular podcast The Rest is Politics with former Tory minister Rory Stewart.

McKee is currently employed by Labour’s Ian Murray, who is gunning to hold onto his Edinburgh South Seat.

Murray is Labour’s longest-standing MP and the only to survive their near-total routings in 2015 and again in 2019.

We previously revealed how the shadow Scotland secretary has made thousands renting out his Edinburgh flat on Airbnb.

Asked for comment, Campbell told The National: “I’ve got better things to do.”

A Scottish Labour spokesperson said: “This bizarre attack reeks of desperation.

"While other parties snipe from the sidelines, Scottish Labour is relentlessly focused on our positive plan to deliver the change that Scotland needs - lower bills, higher wages, climate leadership, stronger economic growth and renewed public services.”