QUESTIONS have been raised over whether Scottish Labour will get behind a motion urging the UK recognise Palestine as a state.

Humza Yousaf filed the motion, calling for Holyrood to support the move, on Monday.

So far it has been supported by 18 MSPs, however, just three – Richard Leonard, Foysol Choudhury and Pauline McNeill – come from Scottish Labour.

READ MORE: Humza Yousaf launches motion calling on UK Government to recognise Palestine

The remainder of the support comes from SNP MSPs.

Bill Kidd (below), SNP MSP for Glasgow Anniesland said: “We welcome this motion calling for the UK to join 144 member states of the United Nations in immediately recognising the State of Palestine.

"The SNP has been Westminster’s moral compass throughout the conflict in Gaza – while the Tories and Labour have failed to add their voice to international efforts to end bloodshed and save innocent lives."

The motion urges the UK Government to immediately recognise the state of Palestine, and cites several other European countries which have already done so, including Spain and Ireland.

It also calls for a ceasefire, an end to arms sales to Israel and the immediate release of all hostages.

Further, it states that statehood is "an inalienable right of the people of Palestine, not a privilege that can be vetoed by others", and that aid groups working in Scotland to support the people of Gaza should be commended.

Scottish Labour says it supports the recognition of Palestine.

The party pointed The National to a portion of its manifesto, which reads: "Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people. It is not in the gift of any neighbour and is also essential to the long-term security of Israel.

"We are committed to recognising a Palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state."

Yousaf's motion is expected to be taken forward on Wednesday, June 26.