KEIR Starmer has bluntly refused to participate in negotiations for another Scottish independence referendum.

During a visit to West Lothian, the Labour leader said he would not participate in any talks if the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats - something the SNP have agreed would give them a mandate to give "democratic effect" to independence.

Earlier this week the First Minister urged Scots to vote for his party to put pressure on the next UK Government to allow another independence referendum.

Speaking to Bauer Media during his visit, Starmer was asked if he would deal with the Scottish Government if the threshold was met.

“No,” he said. 

Referring to the difference in electing Labour MPs compared to SNP MPs, he added: “Send a government – don’t send a message.”

During his visit to a window factory in Whitburn, Starmer also said a Labour government would not lift the block on the Scottish Government’s gender reform laws.

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Under the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon, the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was passed in Holyrood, but a Section 35 order was later issued by Scottish Secretary Alister Jack to stop the legislation receiving royal assent.

“No, there would be no change of position on that,” Starmer aid.

“I think there’s a lot to learn about gender self-ID from the way in which it’s been dealt with here Scotland, which is why we’ve got a different proposition in our manifesto.”

Starmer also insisted John Swinney had “got his priorities wrong”.

He added his priority was to ensure a “strong economy” and create jobs.

“The ambition between the SNP and Labour is stark," claimed Starmer.

“We say elect Labour MPs in Scotland so they can sit at the heart of an incoming Labour government, bringing about the change that I think so many people in Scotland want.

“What the SNP says is send an MP to send a message, to sit literally on the opposition benches and shout across the aisle.”

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn said it was “telling” that Starmer has “already adopted the same old Westminster arrogance when it comes to respecting Scottish democracy”.

“The right to self-determination doesn’t end because Sir Keir Starmer says so – the people of Scotland have the democratic right to choose our own future,” he added.

“It’s not asking a lot to expect anyone who calls themselves a democrat to respect that right too.

“Clearly Anas Sarwar’s recent statement that ‘it is for the Scottish people to decide’ amounts to empty words, and it proves how little influence he really has over his London boss, and just how little Starmer thinks of Scottish voters."

Sarwar said during a TV debate it is "for Scottish people to decide what the future of our country is” yet refused to be drawn on whether he would support Scotland having the powers to hold a second referendum.