(Image: NQ)

NIGEL Farage may have got over being hit with a milkshake on a visit to Clacton earlier this month, but you wouldn’t know it from his old MEP website.

Visitors to the site have been redirected over the last fortnight to the official website of Michel Barnier, the ex-European Commission Task Force boss.

But now people who go to www.NigelFarageMEP.co.uk are being greeted with a YouTube clip of Kelis’ top hit Milkshake in honour of his recent collision with the popular beverage.

The Reform UK leader allowed his domain name to expire and Craig Campbell, a Glasgow-based digital marketing expert, has feasted upon the bait. 

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Campbell has described the site as a “goldmine” as it appears above Farage’s official site on Google

Campbell, who has more subscribers to his YouTube channel than 10 Downing Street, said: “I’ve seen a lot of people online wondering what the hell was going on with Farage – had his website been hacked, was he planning to change parties again or something else.

“All that has happened is that he – or his team – let the domain expire and I was able to completely legally pick it up.

“Politically we are quite different so I wondered what I could do with it to raise awareness of the identity issues here. Redirecting to Barnier’s website seemed to be a good way to make the point.

“It was really careless of his people to have left the old domain name on his Wikipedia page.”

But Campbell stressed, amongst the fun of it all, he has been trying to highlight a more serious point.

He added: “Someone could have bought this and used it to get donations off people or tried to scam people. That’s the sort of thing a lot of crooks will do.

“People could have been conned for considerable sums of cash here quite easily – either by affiliate links or more blatant asks for money. His fanbase, to use a Scottish expression, could have been totally pumped.

“In today’s digital world, your online identity is a vital asset that requires constant attention and protection.”

It remains to be seen if Farage cares enough to heed Campbell’s warning or whether he can just sit back and continue having a laugh. Stay tuned…