The National:

You know that feeling when you spot a tweet and just know it's only a matter of time before it disappears and a formal apology is made?

On Thursday, the UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid sent a tweet that seems to have heavily implied Jeremy Corbyn is promoting holocaust denial.

Responding to another Twitter user who did actually imply the holocaust may not be real (spoiler: the holocaust absolutely did happen), Javid responded to say "How can you even question the Holocaust. Please think carefully about what you are saying. Don’t be misled by Corbyn."


Labour's problem dealing with anti-semitism isn't exactly breaking news, but an accusation of THAT magnitude means that a charity of Jeremy's choosing is probably about to get a sizeable donation.

One of the first comments below the tweet states "I think this is libel" and... they might not be wrong.

At the time of writing, the tweet had been retweeted 10 times, liked 53 times and recived over 200 replies. Yer gettin' ratio'd, Javid.