THE need for effective action against climate change, as addressed by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp in Thursday’s paper, is the most significant issue we face. There can be no independence, or freedom, or democracy, if we kill the planet we are living on, which, scientists now agree we are doing.

If we do not address this then nothing else matters because the planet will not be able to sustain our offspring. That, in plain terms, is the situation. Now we can either carry on ignoring this – as we have been doing for years – and accept the consequences, or we can act responsibly as parents and protect the future environment for our children and grand-children. There is no more time to waste.

READ MORE: Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp: There'll be no economy left to protect if we don't act on climate crisis now

As an economist, I agree entirely with Jim Osborne (Letters, Aug 14). This major reinvestment in the economy in a very short timescale is possible, but only by a government committed to major public investment and having its own currency and central bank. Gordon is right, but Jim is right also: what Gordon wants can be achieved, but only with an independent Scotland with its own currency.

Dr Robbie Mochrie, in his Saturday article, explains the financial pressures on the SNP leadership from strong vested interests to force the SNP leadership to stick with the pound sterling, which in his opinion will mean that Yes will lose another referendum and independence will be put back again.

READ MORE: Spell out that Scotland needs to become a currency-issuing state

So the message is crystal clear: we must move quickly towards independence, we must ignore the vested interests and their media, and we must get the SNP leadership to address reality, to reject new oil developments and embrace a Scottish currency and a break with sterling, so that we can move forward and as an independent country take a leading role in the fight to bring about the changes which will save the planet.

Of course powerful voices with their powerful media voice will scream in disapproval, but we must face that down and move forward listening only to the best scientific advice.

Andy Anderson