IF my wife or any other close family member were to die, particularly in tragic circumstances, then I would grieve. I would genuinely grieve, my heart would be broken. If a close friend died you might be very sad, even to the point of tears.

When I saw 700 asylum seekers die off the coast of Greece, I was genuinely sad and a bit angry that our society could allow this sort of thing to happen.

READ MORE: Glasgow student was 'terrified' of getting on Titan sub, says aunt

When, however, I heard of millionaire adventure-seekers not only embarking on a dangerous submarine expedition, but paying almost £200,000 per person to board the mini-sub, although I had no wish to see them die, I had very few emotional reactions at all. The participants knew it was dangerous, they volunteered and paid and it never worked out. They died!

Yet this item has been a principle news agenda ever since, and even since their demise had been accepted.

Is this all really that important? Am I and my friends, with whom I have discussed the matter, the only people who feel such a minimal emotional effect? Can we please get back to matters which are important in the world.

Alex Leggatt