IF you can believe the mainstream media, the first “safe” place for addicts to take their illegal drugs is opening in Scotland at a cost of £2.3 million. If this is the case, the SNP can kiss goodbye to any chance of holding onto power in 2026, because it’s a guarantee that policies like this will have law-abiding voters deserting the party in droves.

Public spending is on hold? Winter fuel payments cut? But apparently the way to deal with intractable crime is simply to legalise it. That’s some precedent to set.

READ MORE: Opening date for UK's first safe drug consumption room in Glasgow announced

What an insult to the rest of us who, perhaps naively, trusted the SNP to show the world that a better Scotland was possible. Appeasing a persuasive lobby that has agitated for decriminalisation will change nothing for the better. Our intelligence is being insulted by politicians who are extremely unlikely to live in communities suffering from the effects of drug-taking.

Jim Butchart
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