THE UK Government may be planning to announce aims to fund big infrastructure projects of its choosing in Scotland, effectively bypassing the devolution settlement, it has been reported.

Scottish Sun political editor Chris Musson warned on Twitter that there are "whisperings" that Boris Johnson's government could be planning the move. 

Responding to today's news that Johnson is continuing to discuss the idea of a bridge connecting Northern Ireland and Stranraer, Scotland, one Twitter user joked the link would connect Northern Ireland "with some of the worst road networks, rail facilities, and public transport in Greta Britain".

Quote tweeting the post, Musson wrote: "Whisperings that Downing Street is going to announce in near future it aims to directly fund major infrastructure projects of its choice in Scotland, possibly starting in south-west and effectiveky [sic] bypassing devo settlement. Unless they change it if course.

READ MORE: Warning EU bill could see UK handed power in devolved areas

"Will be almighty rammy."

Brexit has prompted a number of concerns over Westminster's ability to take back Holyrood powers.

The Scottish Parliamentary Information Centre (Spice) recently warned the EU Withdrawal Bill would "allow UK ministers, acting alone, to make provision in devolved policy areas".