A REVIEW of lockdown measures will take place later this week after the hospital coronavirus death toll rose above 10,000.

Ministers have said they want to be sure the UK is past the peak of the outbreak before easing the restrictions, but 10 members of the Cabinet are reportedly urging lockdown conditions to be eased amid concerns about the impact on the economy.

The Times quoted an unnamed minister as saying it was important not to do "more damage", and measures could be eased after another three weeks.

Scientific advisers will meet on Tuesday ahead of the formal review of the strict social distancing measures on Thursday, the deadline set out in law.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who warned during his Budget last month that the UK risks falling into recession as a result of disruption caused by coronavirus, has injected £14 billion from the coronavirus emergency response fund into the NHS and local authorities.

READ MORE: Companies providing PPE to NHS prioritising England over Scotland

But the Government continues to face pressure over shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline NHS staff, as a growing number of health workers died.

And Sue Hill, a vice president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said she believed the death toll could reach 30,000, as she criticised the daily briefings by ministers as a "bit of a joke".

Referring to PPE, she told the Guardian: "The thing that irritates me is cabinet ministers are standing up every day, addressing us as if we're on a war footing and giving Churchillian quotes when they could be doing a few simple things like getting more bits of plastic and paper on to wards."

At the weekend, the Royal College of Nurses issued new guidance that nurses who could not get adequate PPE should, as a "last resort", refuse to work.

On Sunday the Department of Health said, as of 5pm on Saturday, a total of 10,612 patients had died in UK hospitals after testing positive for coronavirus, up by 737 from 9,875 the day before.

The latest analysis from Johns Hopkins University in the US suggested the UK's case fatality rate - the number of deaths per 100 confirmed cases - was 12.5%, behind only Italy's rate of 12.7%.

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