THE Prime Minister returned to work yesterday after spending time off recovering from coronavirus – and right-wing media outlets had a field day with praise for him.

Boris Johnson’s return comes as the UK looks set to have the highest date toll in Europe, a Panorama investigation revealed Westminster had not filled its pandemic stockpile with key protective equipment like gowns and visors – and had downgraded advice to NHS workers on PPE in the midst of the crisis – and questions continue on testing capabilities.

In The Jouker’s view these questions should not subside purely because the PM is back at work – but if you were reading some of the UK’s biggest media outlets yesterday you’d be forgiven for thinking the coronavirus crisis was finished altogether.

Pointing towards some of the commentary, writer Alex Andreou said maybe people in the UK “should make a lot less fun of North Korea”.

The Spectator website described the Prime Minister’s Downing Street speech as a pep talk and a way of signifying he was back in control. Meanwhile, The Sun said “Britain will have been mightily relieved to see Boris Johnson back in command with his optimism undimmed”.

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And in the Daily Express, Macer Hall claimed the Tory leader “glowed with renewed vim and vigour” as he addressed the UK from outside Number 10.

On the Conservative Home website, Paul Goodman had praise for Johnson’s comparison of the virus to an “invisible mugger”. He wrote: “Listening to him was like being jolted awake after snoozing off.”

Many outlets seemed to take away from the speech that Johnson was back to imminently release the country from lockdown. This is at odds with recent comments from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who has indicated now is not the time to risk the progress made in combatting the coronavirus so far. There has been some concern that a “four-nations” approach to a lockdown could see Westminster decide to ease restrictions before the time is right as a result of economic pressure from the right of the Conservative Party.

The Daily Telegraph did its best to conjure up images of Churchill with its front-page splash “time to fire up the engines” this morning, accompanied by a photograph of Boris Johnson clenching his fist. The wartime imagery was followed by a subdeck informing readers that Johnson is back to work “with plan for gradual loosening of lockdown to put economy back on track”.

One MP even posted a gif from the Lion King in response to Johnson being back in Downing Street, but the Jouker has to point out that that the lion in question’s mane was significantly better groomed than the Prime Minister’s.

In a Daily Mail front-page caption the wartime imagery continued with a reference to his “fighting talk”.

Perhaps one of the more surprising responses to the Prime Minister’s return was Piers Morgan’s. The journalist has previously been a bit of a Tory cheerleader, but lately has been highly critical of the UK Government’s response to the coronavirus crisis and has even received complaints for his aggressive questioning of Tory ministers appearing on Good Morning Britain.

Morgan disagreed with Johnson’s language during his first speech back at Downing Street, tweeting: “Boris Johnson just said ‘many people will be looking at our apparent success’ in relation to Britain & Coronavirus. Our death toll is heading to be the 2nd worst in the world.

“This is not a ‘success’, prime minister - apparent or otherwise.”