WORSHIPPERS could be given a pew between two as part of a plan to re-open Scotland’s Catholic churches.

One of the country’s most senior bishops put the suggestion forward in a bid to allow a phased reopening of parishes.

The church will establish a working group of outside advisers to draw up a strategy that would allow buildings to open again and masses to return.

The strategy will include social distancing, with the possible removal of pews and the suspension of the Sign of Peace, use of Holy Water at the back of churches and temporary discontinued use of hymn books and news bulletins.

Bishop John Keenan, of the Diocese of Paisley, said that the Church had been in discussions with the Scottish Government.

“We are not going to ask for our churches to be open when we don’t think it is safe,” he said.

“One priest in a big church looked at social distancing – he had a church of 500 and he said that the maximum you could get in was 60, maybe two to a bench for instance.”

Keenan added that parishes have been hit financially by the closures.

“Our diocese, we are OK for the first part of the year but the longer it goes on the tougher it will get,” he said.

“Most Catholics still want to give money to the church on a weekly basis if we would give them means to do so.

“Some have been furloughed or lost jobs so they might not be able to, but a lot have been contacting their parish priest to ask how to donate.

“I think ultimately we will be fine because if we put in place natural and easy means where people can donate, they will do so.”

Other plans include giving those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic an opportunity to say goodbye, as they may have been restricted from being present in the hospital or at the funeral.

Keenan said: “Every priest, I would say, has buried someone with Covid-19.

“We are conscious that once the lockdown is over we’ll need to provide means for the family to grieve.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We are in regular contact with all of Scotland’s faith leaders and communities in order to understand their concerns and needs during this time. However, current guidance remains to stay at home and only travel where it is essential, so there are currently no plans to reopen places of worship.

“We will engage in further discussion before communities might safely begin to consider reopening places of worship for services at the time it is safe to do so.”

Earlier this week, the Church of Scotland revealed that their new moderator would be installed in an online service.

Later this month Rev Dr Martin Fair will take charge of the Kirk’s general assembly in a special event being streamed live from Edinburgh. A skeleton crew will ensure social-distancing measures are observed.