THE Scottish Government has launched a new public awareness campaign, called Facts, to help people remember the key precautions in limiting the spread of coronavirus. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the campaign at the daily press briefing on Friday. 

She said: “There is no doubt the virus in Scotland is now firmly in retreat.

“That is why the changes to the rules and the guidance I announced yesterday, though significant, were also careful, because we know we have to keep the virus in retreat.

“If we all keep doing the right thing, I am more optimistic than I have been in a long time that we are now firmly on the track to getting normality back into our lives.”

“Each letter of that words Facts should serve to remind us all of the key measures we need to comply with.

“So remember these ‘Facts’ and that will help all of us stay safe and it will ensure all of us can help protect each other as well.”

Here are the key measures: 

Face coverings in enclosed spaces

From Monday face masks will be mandatory on public transport. Anyone catching a bus, train, ferry or taxi will be required to have a scarf or a mask over their mouth, or they face being left behind.

And the Scottish Government has also confirmed that it is considering making face-coverings mandatory for shoppers too.

Current guidance from the World Health Organisation states that non-medical face-coverings should be worn in public where social distancing is not possible.

They have been compulsory on public transport in England since Monday.

READ MORE: Face coverings to be mandatory on public transport in Scotland

Sturgeon announced the changes yesterday as she revealed details of Scotland’s move into phase two of the route map out of lockdown.

The First Minister said the scientific evidence that wearing face-coverings can reduce the risk of coronavirus being transmitted.

Avoid crowded spaces

The public have been told to avoid crowded areas and events like festivals and concerts are still cancelled.

Guidelines urge people to continue staying in their local area as much as possible and not to travel more than broadly five miles for leisure or recreation.

Clean your hands and surfaces regularly

Sturgeon said yesterday that physical distancing, hand washing and good hygiene "will always be more important" in stopping the spread of coronavirus than face masks.

Two-metre distancing

The two-metre distancing rule will still apply when meeting other households outdoors, despite speculation that the UK Government may lower distancing to one metre.

The lockdown changes which came into force on Friday involve the limit on meetings outside increasing from one other household to two, while people can also use toilets indoors while visiting another household.

The only exception is for those who live alone or with children under the age of 18 who can form a "support bubble" with another household.

Self-isolate and book a test if you have symptoms

Those who have symptoms of coronavirus (which include a new, continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss of smell or taste) should self-isolate for 14 days.

The Scottish Government's Test and Protect was launched earlier this month the First Minister said that people’s privacy “will be respected at all times during this process”.

She said the information provided will be “held securely within the NHS and used only for the purposes of tracing your contacts”.

Those who are shielding are now able to leave their home for exercise and to meet with one other household outdoors, with a maximum of eight people in total and physical distancing in place.

They can also take part in non-contact outdoor activities such as golf, hiking and fishing.

READ MORE: Nearly half of public don't trust Serco to deliver virus testing scheme

The briefing was also updated on the latest coronavirus figures in Scotland, which showed 2470 patients have died after testing positive for Covid-19 – up six from 2464 on Thursday.