THE DAILY Downing Street coronavirus briefing will be scrapped after today, No 10 has announced, leading to a social media backlash.

It comes after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an easing of the lockdown in the House of Commons.

“From today, the press conferences will no longer be daily,” said a Government spokesman.

“We’ll continue to hold press conferences to coincide with significant announcements, including with the Prime Minister.

“We will be publishing all of the data which has previously been included in the press conference slides on every week day.”

Twitter users hit out at the announcement, with many saying the daily press briefing was a chance to hold the Government to account. 

Devi Lalita Sridhar, a Professor and Chair of Global Public Health at Edinburgh University, said Downing Street has "decided the pandemic is over".

Jonathan Reed said the news means Westminster will "start to avoid scrutiny".

Former LibDem MP Sarah Wollaston agreed, saying: "The #DailyBriefing was supposed to replace the ‘anonymous No10 sources’ briefings to favoured media but ended up more a showcase for govt spin excluding any experts prepared to express even a mildly challenging viewpoint...& the anonymous briefings & dodgy statistics continued."

Journalist Paul Dempsey asked how the public and the media would be able to scrutinise senior scientists and healthcare civil servants.

National columnist Kirsty Strickland suggested quizzing England's Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance directly.

Actor and comedia Jack Whitehall also criticised the announcement.