THE green light has been given to implement more than 20 new speed cameras across the country.

Transport Scotland today announced a £675,000 investment for the new safety camera developments.

The 24 new sites will comprise of fixed, mobile and average seed cameras.

Safety Cameras Scotland website says “this is part of a targeted investment to enhance the safety performance and ultimately reduce the number of casualties across Scotland’s road network.”

Here, we outline the proposed locations for the new cameras:

Note: These pinpoints are estimated locations on roads based on information on the Safety Cameras Scotland website here.

Safety Camera Scotland units operate within Police Scoland, with the latest funding being announced by Transport Secretary Michael Matheson.

Their website continues: "Through targeted camera enforcement and improving driver behaviour the aim of Safety Cameras Scotland is to reduce the number of casualties on Scotland's roads.

"This means our cameras are sited in the areas most in need in terms of road casualty reduction, and deployed primarily where they will have the greatest casualty and collision reduction potential."

They add that they are "not driven by revenue generation", but instead "operate to make our roads safer.

"All monies generated by fines are paid to the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service direct to the Scottish Government."

The National: The proposed new camera locations listed:The proposed new camera locations listed:

Full details of the new sites can be found here.