THEY won’t quite be dancing in the streets of Dumbarton and the Vale of Leven today but the people of West Dunbartonshire can surely take comfort from something that they have always suspected – you never know what the local weather is going to do.

For a new survey has found that West Dunbartonshire has the most unpredictable summer weather in Scotland.

SaveOnEnergy collected historical monthly climate observations from the UKCP09 (UK Climate Predictions) for June, July and August. The five climate variables analysed include: sunshine hours, rainfall, average temperature, wind speed and relative humidity.

Each variable was then ranked and totalled to find a total unpredictability score out of 10 for each district – with a score of 10 being the most unpredictable and 1 being the most predictable.

West Dunbartonshire came top with a total score of 6.84 out of 10, the district having unpredictable rainfall (8.76), windspeed (8.96) and sunshine (7.35).

Coming second on the list of Scottish districts with the most unpredictable summer weather is Shetland Islands. The district received a final score of 6.61 out of 10 after receiving high scores for both sunshine (9.97) and humidity (7.89).

West Lothian comes third, with an average unpredictability score of 6.43 out of 10 overall. The district’s highest-ranking variable was humidity (9.1).

Renfrewshire was fourth with high unpredictability scores when it came to wind speed, and the City of Edinburgh was fifth.

You can see online how your district measured up at