TRIBUTES have poured in for Scottish trade unionist Tom Waterson who has died at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh after developing pneumonia.

Waterson was a senior figure in Unison, chairing its Scottish health committee and was widely known as a fighter for healthcare workers.

His colleagues described him as a “committed socialist” adding that he had been in and out of hospital during the last two years.

Waterson represented Unison at local, Scottish and UK levels throughout his career, which he began as a kitchen porter at the Royal Infirmary 31 years ago.

The Midlothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) held a minute’s silence for Waterson, who regularly attended meetings there and was employee director at NHS Lothian.

Willie Duffy, Unison Scotland head of health said: “It is with sad regret that we have to advise that our good friend and comrade Tom Waterson, Chair UNISON Scotland health committee, sadly passed away last night.

“Tam had been in and out of hospital over the last 2 years, and he showed great courage during these times.

“Everyone at UNISON Scotland is shocked and our thought and prayers are with Pamela, and their children Aeden and Erin at this difficult time.

“Tam was a committed socialist, trade unionist and strong campaigner he will be terribly missed.”

In an email sent round employees, Calum Campbell, chief executive of NHS Lothian said: “Our thoughts are very much with his family.

"I have been in touch with his wife this morning to offer her our condolences.

"We will in due course, plan a fitting tribute to Tom.”

And Carolyn Hirst, IJB vice-chair, said: “He was a long-serving member of the NHS beginning as a porter. Thoughts are with his family.”

Wanda Fairgrieve, IJB staff representative, said: “He lost a leg and developed sepsis and was admitted to hospital several times but he kept himself going.

“He leaves behind a lot of friends and colleagues as well as his wife and children, aged 11 and five, and all our thoughts are with his family.”