TODAY is a day of two opinion polls. There are opinion polls that make an honest attempt to gauge public opinion on a particular topic or which are genuinely trying to discern the true level of public support for a policy or a political party.

Most opinion polls are of this sort. While they may not always be entirely accurate, they are still trying to discover the real-life state of play. Then there are opinion polls that have the intention of generating press headlines that help to push a particular narrative or point of view.

The regular opinion polling conducted by the anti-independence organisation Scotland in Union is of this second sort. Scotland in Union persists uses in its polling a non-standard question in order to artificially inflate the percentage of respondents who can be claimed to be opposed to Scottish independence. That is invariably how the anti-independence campaign group's polls are reported in the media, however, that's not exactly what these polls ask.

READ MORE: Questions around pro-Union group poll claiming majority oppose early indyref2

The second poll to be published today, carried out by Opinium for Sky News, did ask the standard question explicitly asking about support for independence. This poll showed that a narrow majority in Scotland, 51% once don't knows are excluded, back independence.

It also showed that if there was a Westminster or a Holyrood election tomorrow, 51% would vote SNP, a 4% increase in the party's Westminster vote and a 3% increase in its Holyrood constituency vote. Meanwhile the Scottish Conservatives, Labour, and the Lib Dems are all down. If you are an independence supporter things are looking up. 

This piece is an excerpt from today's REAL Scottish Politics newsletter, which is emailed out at 7pm every weekday with a round-up of the day's top stories and exclusive analysis from the Wee Ginger Dug.

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