A PUBLIC forum on the environment and a transition to green energy is to be held tomorrow.

The Scottish Socialist Voice public forum, to be held on Zoom, will be addressed by key leaders and activists in the organised workers’ movement, a youth climate striker, and a representative of Scotland’s socialist party, the SSP.

Subjects lined up for debate includes solutions to pollution, like free public transport, to combat poverty and pollution; public ownership of all forms

of energy to transition to

green energy, with a vast expansion of jobs for workers currently in the fossil fuel industry; and construction of eco-homes for rent, to combat global warming, fuel poverty and job insecurity.

As part of a broad-based platform of speakers, the forum will welcome Zweli Vavi, general secretary of the 800,000-strong South African Federation of Trade Unions.

Colin Fox, SSP national co-spokesperson and former MSP, will also address the forum, alongside PCS union national political officer Sam Mason – who has led many of her union’s efforts on climate justice – and Stephen Smellie, deputy convener of UNISON Scotland and NEC member of the union, who has spearheaded many efforts on environmental measures in Scotland’s workplaces.

Vavi is the leader of a mass union organisation that campaigns for public ownership and democratic control by workers and communities of renewable energy, and describes itself as “a revolutionary and socialist-oriented federation”.

To register for the forum, visit tinyurl.com/SSVCOP26