THE “biggest ever” Yes conference is to be held early next year in a bid to fire up a renewed independence campaign.

It is being organised by the Aberdeen Independence Movement (AIM) in partnership with some of the country’s most progressive Yes organisations, including Women for Independence and Believe in Scotland.

The Progress to Yes event will bring together leading activists from all over Scotland with speakers including SNP President Michael Russell, SNP MP Hannah Bardell, human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar, SNP MSP Karen Adam, Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp of Believe in Scotland, Scottish Greens MSP Maggie Chapman, SNP MP Stewart McDonald, AIM’s co-chair Fatima Joji, SNP MP Alyn Smith and Bella Caledonia’s Mike Small.

The conference will take place at the Park Inn in Aberdeen on February 27 with workshops, panels and speeches.

“The last few years have not been easy for the progressive Yes movement,” said AIM co-organiser Alan Petrie. “Not being able to meet in person over these last two years has led to a loss of energy and at times the movement has forgotten the why of independence, instead focusing on process rather than the better nation we seek to build.

“This event aims to fix that by bringing that progressive energy right back to the front and centre of the movement with the why and how of independence.

“Groups such as Aberdeen Independence Movement need to step up to the plate and build that new, better, winning movement in conjunction with others. This is way too important for any of us to stand on the sidelines. The new movement and the nation as a whole together starts here.”

A spokesperson for Women for Independence said the group was delighted to be taking part in the conference. We look forward to sharing our vision of a human rights-based Scotland where diversity, representation and acceptance are our defining factors,” said the spokesperson.

“Every one of us deserves to live without hunger, homelessness or violence. In our conference slots, we’d like to explore how an independent Scotland could prioritise these rights and create a stronger, fairer, gender-just nation in which everyone has a part to play.”

Russell said the event would be a chance to make progress towards independence.

He said: “It gives a real opportunity to move our country further down the road to independence by ensuring that all parts of the Yes movement which want to co-operate in a positive and respectful manner – with each other and in support of the people of Scotland – are able to devise new projects together.

“We are already engaged in some of these and now we need to use them to showcase the vibrant, progressive and equal Scotland we seek and which we need independence to achieve.”

Small added: “This is a great opportunity to re-launch a campaign with energy and positivity to inspire people and to engage with people who are disenchanted with politics and with what they see around them.”

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