DAWN Butler has revealed how the SNP arrived in Westminster “like in the movies where there’s the army marching, and you can just hear them coming.”

The Labour MP for Brent Central was speaking to Vanity von Glow, the Scottish drag queen host of the new podcast, The Vanity Project.

She said: “Left, right, left, you know, that was what the SNP were like, they just, they hunted in the group.”

She went on to say “God, I wish we [the Labour Party] were as united as them. It was a little bit of jealousy as well, I must admit, because they were very united.”

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She added: “If they [the SNP] could, like, I don’t know, chuck rotten fruit across – especially the other Scottish Tory MPs. All the tension! I’d just buy popcorn and watch that.”

During the podcast, they talked about a wide range of issues, including Boris Johnson’s lies and the Westminster drugs scandal.

Discussing the new UK Government drug policy, Butler said: “Let’s not forget some of the current cabinet has boasted about taking drugs – Class A drugs.

“It’s so very different when you’ve got the money that you can pay for your drug use, because then you just become a functioning drug addict.

“They have a very elitist way of looking at things. That’s why it made me laugh when the Speaker said they’re going to put sniffer dogs around Parliament ... and I was like, yeah, go for it. Let’s do it ... Because I just think that is perfect.

“They always talk about it like it’s somebody else’s drug problem. You’ve got a drug problem, mate.

“We saw that little sniffer dog jumping up and down on the Prime Minister. It wasn’t because he thought he had a bone in his pocket.”

On the Scottish approach to drugs, Butler said: “And what Scotland’s doing, which is what happens in a lot of Nordic countries, is important, because what happens is, if you take somebody out of the cycle of drugs, and crime, everything gets better.”

Butler and Vanity discussed her being thrown out of Parliament for calling Johnson a liar in July of this year.

READ MORE: Dawn Butler speaks out after Boris Johnson lying comments see her removed from Commons

When asked if she felt vindicated now that everyone seems to be calling him a liar, she said: “Oh, I feel so vindicated. I can’t tell you, I also feel like I can just sit back now.

“And I don’t need to say anything else. Like, I feel like my job is done, now it’s been exposed that the Emperor has no clothes on.”

She added: “Can you imagine trying to work in an environment where you’re being gaslighted every single day? You know, it’s impossible to function.

“They stand up at the dispatch box to say something, you think ‘I’ve got to look that up!’ “Then you look it up and go, hang on a minute, that’s not true. And then they go, no but it is true. Well, it’s not true. The facts are not that – it’s impossible to function.”