Walk 2 Dams to Darnley, Glasgow

Distance: 4 miles/6km

Time: 2-3 hours

Grade: Easy countryside walk

The Dams to Darnley Country Park is an initiative between Glasgow City Council and East Renfrewshire Council aimed at opening up and developing a sizeable strip of countryside south of Barrhead. From the Darnley end, woodland trails lead up to four reservoirs of which the last, Balgray, is the largest and most attractive. A walk of 6km is now possible giving a pleasant diversity of scenery.

The National:

The park has been well supplied with tall metal signposts; for this walk, follow the signs for Balgray reservoir and you won’t go wrong. The initial section is through mixed woodland covering the site of former bleach mills. Bleaching started here in the mid 18th century and continued for about 100 years, but there is no sign of it today and considering the urban nature of the area it is remarkably quiet.

The central section of the walk is along the reservoirs access road, which carries very little traffic, and before long the reservoirs are reached. They were built between 1845 and 1865 and are typically Victorian constructions, still in use today supplying clean water to Glasgow. The Glasgow to Barrhead railway line runs across the reservoirs on a long viaduct.

The first reservoir is Waulkmill Glen, which along with Ryat Linn was built in 1847-48. Between these two is the very small Littleton Reservoir. At the end of Ryat Linn you can see the Balgray spillway with white water rushing down in dramatic style.

Balgray is accessed by crossing the busy Aurs Road (please take care here) after which you are on a path which follows the banks of the reservoir for nearly 3km and is a lovely walk. You may see waterbirds including ducks and swans and as the path leads further round the reservoir it becomes ever more peaceful. The reservoir is stocked for fishing and three fishing platforms have been provided.

At the far side of Balgray is a car park (under development as I write this), and from here a path leads over the railway to Springfield Road, from where you can catch a wee bus that takes you back almost to the start of the walk.

The country park is still very much a work in progress, and it will be interesting to go back in a couple of years’ time and see what else has been done. As it is, rangers run environmental programmes, working with local schools, and there is a regular series of walks and talks. The park has its own online magazine called Wagtail.

Dams to Darnley is a praiseworthy initiative and I am sure it will give continuing enjoyment to both locals and visitors in the future. If they could provide a tearoom, that really would tempt me to return!

Map: OS 1:25,000 Explorer sheet 342 (Glasgow)
Distance: 4 miles/6km
Time: 2-3 hours
Start: Ashoka car park, off A726 at Darnley (GR: NS 530596)
Finish: Auchenback, Barrhead (GR: NS 508578)
Public transport: McGill’s bus no 3 runs from Oakbank Drive, Auchenback to Glasgow City Centre. To return to the start get off at the first stop in Peat Road, Nitshill and walk down Nitshill Road (about 10 minutes). Details from www.mcgillsbuses.co.uk . Firstbus 57 (Silverburn to Auchenairn via the city centre) also passes the start. Details from www.firstbusglasgow.com
Information: Dams to Darnley country park, 0141 577 4053, www.damstodarnley.org
Refreshments: Ashoka at The Mill Restaurant (0141 876 0458), or the café at Sainsbury’s nearby.
Note: The Ashoka restaurant are happy for walkers to use their car park. Please park tidily and give the restaurant some custom if you can.

The National:

Route: From the Ashoka car park, walk up the lane and go through the gateway on the left into the park (follow signs for Balgray Reservoir throughout the walk). Follow the main path then at a junction turn R. In about 300m look for a zigzag path on the left leading down to the burn (no sign here). Follow this path to a road. Turn L then turn R to a picnic area and car park. Turn R on the road and follow it to the reservoirs. It goes through a gate and becomes a track then a road again. At Balgray Reservoir follow the road left, up to Aurs Road. Cross with care and follow the path around Balgray Reservoir. At the car park go R on a path which rises to cross the railway. The path goes across fields to reach Springfield Road. The bus stop is about 250 metres along to the R.

Link to digital map: https://osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/route/4373404/SW34-Darnley © Crown copyright 2020 Ordnance Survey. Media 059/20.