The National:

THE hardest job in politics — what could it be?

Maybe Downing Street cleaner, what with all the parties there?

Or EU negotiator as talks over the Northern Ireland Protocol continue?

Could it be leading a country, any country, through the biggest health crisis of our lifetimes?

Or what of all those politicians and diplomats involved right now in trying to diffuse the threat of war on Ukraine's border?

The answer may surprise you, according to Alex Cole-Hamilton. 

He says he's "often told" that the hardest job is in fact his own, steering the good ship Scottish Liberal Democrats.

It's been six months since he took the leadership badge from Willie Rennie, he told followers on Twitter, but he insists every day is as golden as a LibDems rosette.

The Scottish LibDems have four MSPs in Holyrood, four MPs in Westminster and just over 60 councillors across Scotland.

Cole-Hamilton took over the leadership shortly after the last Scottish Parliament election. He'll be hoping to increase the party's vote share and number of councillors returned at the council elections in May.

The Jouker guesses that probably will be a tough gig.