SCOTTISH Tory MSP Oliver Mundell has said it would be “completely inappropriate” to comment on Boris Johnson’s partying during lockdown due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

Mundell, the Scottish Conservatives’ education spokesperson, told ITV’s Representing Border that “most people” would not want to talk about partygate given Russia’s invasion.

Instead, he praised the Prime Minister for “showing real leadership in helping people in Ukraine”.

Mundell told ITV: “It would be completely inappropriate to comment on [partygate]. I think most people want to see the Prime Minister get on with his job for now.

“Those issues are not going away, but I think for now, most people would find it quite an odd time to comment on partygate.”

The Scottish Tory remained silent on Johnson’s Covid rule breaches, even after he admitted attending a “bring your own booze” party during lockdown to which around 100 people were invited.

Asked why he hadn’t spoken up previously to call for Johnson’s resignation, like the significant majority of his MSP colleagues and Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, Mundell said he had chosen not to.

Pushed on the topic, Mundell continued to speak about Ukraine. He said he would be happy to answer more questions on the Prime Minister’s partygate scandal once “the peak of a horrendous, horrendous situation” had passed in Ukraine.

“Clearly, I have confidence in the Prime Minister in terms of getting us through the biggest international crisis we've faced in a generation, since the Second World War,” he said.

The news comes as Johnson faces further pressure to deal with the rivers of “dirty” Russian money flowing into Tory coffers.

YouGov polling released on Wednesday evening shows that a plurality of Brits now think Johnson is handling the Ukraine invasion "well".

A total of 44% of the 1690 adults asked said the Prime Minister was doing a good job with the crisis, up eight points from the 36% who gave that answer last week.