JACOB Rees-Mogg has been left red-faced after inadvertently revealing the “massive scale of dirty Russian money lodged in London”.

The Tory has recently been given the prestigious title of UK Government Brexit Opportunities Minister – though nobody has been able to figure out what his job actually entails.

We’re pretty sure Rees-Mogg isn’t supposed to be drawing attention to his party’s links to Russian cronies, however.

But that’s exactly what he did on Saturday after bragging about Downing Street’s highly criticised response to the war in Ukraine.

Rees-Mogg shared an image on Twitter that shows the total value of Russian bank assets sanctioned by the UK, US and EU.

The graph shows the UK has introduced measures against £258.8 billion worth of assets, while the US and EU lag behind respectively on £240bn and £38.8bn.

“The City of London leads the way in the effects of sanctioning Russian banks,” the Tory minister boasted.

Yet SNP president Michael Russell couldn’t help but notice a flaw in his argument.

He replied: “You didn’t mean to make this point, but all this confirms is the massive scale of dirty Russian money lodged in London. So with apologies to Burns; “Bought and sold for Russian gold “sic a parcel o’ rogues in a nation.”
