DOUBLE Olympic Gold Champion, Dame Kelly Holmes MBE, has announced that her employee wellbeing platform, Elf at Work, has been acquired by Glasgow-based wellness app Truconnect by TV.Fit.

The Elf at Work platform has been integrated to Truconnect by TV.Fit’s existing offering – the goal being to support both the physical and mental wellbeing of employees.

An estimated one in 6.8 employees will experience a mental health illness relating to stress, and, according to Vitality’s annual Britain’s Healthiest Workplace study, ill-health related absence and presenteeism cost British businesses an estimated £91.9 billion in 2019.

“For many years, since retiring from international sport, I’ve travelled around the world as a global inspirational speaker working with various organisations including mental charity Mind,” said Holmes.

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“In November 2020, they revealed that more people had experienced a mental health crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic than ever previously recorded.

“Many people are experiencing a range of mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress symptoms and burnout, and the effects are anticipated to be long-lasting for some.

“Supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of individuals will build strong and motivated communities within the workplace, promoting cohesion and productivity. That’s why I’m proud of the integration of Elf at Work in to Truconnect by TV.Fit.”

The platform incorporates mindfulness, fitness, nutrition and motivational content, and allows businesses to better connect with employees.

David Weir, Truconnect by TV.Fit founder and chief executive officer said: “It is an honour and a privilege to be working with Dame Kelly and we’re incredibly excited to be integrating Elf at Work to the Truconnect app.

“This integration is an exciting moment in our journey, which I know will revolutionise the physical and mental wellbeing of employees and businesses as what is now a complete wellbeing solution.”

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Holmes added: “The world has changed and wellbeing is at the forefront of everyone’s mind right now.

“The new Truconnect offering allows organisations to be proactive in caring for their employees, helping them to be the best that they can be, whilst supporting them through the hard times too.

“Everyone is different, and the new platform has the range of tools to engage, inspire and support employees with their physical and mental wellbeing.”

It is hoped the company’s growing online fitness platform, and the integration of Elf at Work, will see the Truconnect app evolve to become a truly holistic wellness ecosystem, for both individuals and businesses.