SCOTTISH independence is necessary to escape a “Tory poverty trap” which could leave half-a-million children deprived, the SNP have said.

SNP shadow chancellor Alison Thewliss MP warned Westminster is “actively undermining Scotland’s efforts to tackle poverty and exacerbating the problem” following cuts, tax hikes, and a “disgraceful” Spring Statement.

Thewliss (pictured) pointed to the approach of the SNP to tackle poverty, citing the introduction and doubling of the Scottish Child Payment, uprating benefits, a Council Tax Reduction scheme, and spending £71 million on discretionary housing payments which mitigate the hardship caused by the Westminster Bedroom Tax.

The Scottish Government is also “providing the most support to families in the UK”, including a Real Living Wage for the public sector, free personal and nursing care, free university tuition, free bus travel for eligible people and lower average council tax and water rates.

The SNP MP said Westminster has slashed Universal Credit by £1040, hiked VAT and National Insurance and cut the triple-lock on pensions.

The SNP said that the Tories had presided over stagnant real wages and imposed damaging policies that have made people poorer, including a hard Brexit, costing the economy billions.

The Resolution Foundation says an additional 1.3 million people will be pushed into absolute poverty by next year, including 500,000 children.

Thewliss said: “The past decade has shown that independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe from Tory austerity cuts and damaging Westminster decisions like Brexit. Only with the full powers of independence can Scotland escape the damage of Westminster control, and build a fair society where we can eradicate poverty.

“For every step Scotland takes forward in tackling poverty, Westminster is dragging us back.

“Rishi Sunak’s spring budget was a disgrace which showed how completely out of touch with hard-pressed families he is. He hasn’t got a clue about the impact of rising poverty.”

She added: “The Tories will always prioritise making the rich richer over helping the poor, and Scotland will always be hamstrung under Westminster control.

“The SNP will continue to press the UK Government for a meaningful package of support for families, but only the full powers of independence can guarantee a fairer and more prosperous future for Scotland.”