HUNDREDS of Scots are expected to sign their individual "declarations of a sovereign Scot" this Saturday as part of a major rally in Scotland.

Amongst the thousands that could attend Arbroath for the weekend All Under One Banner (AUOB) march, many are expected to sign their declarations.

Posts on social media have shown an increasing demand to participate in the initiative across Scotland, and Arbroath is the next rally where declarations will be made available for signatures.

The drive, created by veteran independence campaigner Mike Fenwick, has already seen hundreds of individuals sign the document at rallies held this year.

READ MORE: ‘I am a Sovereign Scot’ declaration a Yes hit with UN aware of project

Speaking to The National, Fenwick said: "Can there be a greater way of commemorating the Declaration of Arbroath this Saturday than by following its example, which is exactly what the Declaration of a Sovereign Scot is designed to achieve?”

“Unesco designated the original declaration as a “Memory of the World”, and as we commemorate and celebrate Scotland's past, the questions we should ask are what of our time? What of our place today in the history of Scotland?”

“Can we as individual sovereign Scots exercising our established claim of right sign our name to a document whose sole purpose is to regain and achieve the independence of Scotland? If not us, who?

The National:

“Will we be remembered, each of us - who came together as one - for that sole purpose and created in our time our 'Memory for the World'?”

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon says Scotland must seize the opportunity to become independent

The second part of the initiative involves lodging all signed declarations with the United Nations HQ in New York, with correspondence with the UN ongoing as each batch of declarations is delivered.

Copies of every signed declaration are being retained and the intention is that eventually they will be compiled as one historical document to be known as “The Declaration of Sovereign Scots.”

Started on April 6 last year, the initiative was previously announced in The National with the aim then of having just 100 people sign it.