AN SNP politician who was “followed” to her car by a married councillor who consistently “wanted to touch and hug her” ended up having to call the police. 

Councillor Rhiannon Spear, SNP, has said she was “scared for her safety” after being harassed by the man from another party.

It came as female councillors called for an end to the “toxic” atmosphere in politics at a full Glasgow City Council meeting yesterday. 

Her SNP colleague, Councillor Jen Layden, the city’s convener for equalities and human rights, added: “Being told that you can ‘squeeze by me anytime’ is disgusting, and going on Twitter and telling female councillors you know where they live is just creepy. 

“Every male councillor in this chamber really has to reflect on their behaviour.”

The pair are among a number of female councillors stepping down ahead of May’s elections. They were speaking as the council passed a motion, brought by Labour councillor Maggie McTernan, on the “worrying trend” of women leaving, or not standing for election in, local politics.

Recounting her experience, Councillor Spear said: “Within the first few months of being elected, a married male councillor consistently wanted to touch and hug me in my professional workplace. 

“He wanted my personal number, he invited me out for dates. When I challenged him, he followed me to my car to the point where I was scared for my safety and had to call the police.

“When I raised it with his party, I was told that it was his word against mine but they would have a word with him and that a line was drawn under it.”

She added: “When you ridicule and patronise me for being passionate about women’s issues in this chamber, it does nothing but expose you for the misogynists that you are. 

“It allows you to uphold the old boys’ club that has been going on in this chamber for decades. I am so happy that I am leaving on my terms.”

Councillor Layden said the culture in the City Chamber is “woefully poor”. “We have had female councillors have to go to the police, have to go to court, not be able to attend surgeries because of their own personal safety. 

“It is people in this chamber, it is male councillors that are using language, and putting it in the press, and putting it on social media, that puts us at risk. Being called ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’ is unacceptable, I am a councillor.”

She hopes training for councillors on misogyny and violence against women will be prioritised.

Councillor Aileen McKenzie, Labour, said council leader Susan Aitken had a stalker, who was tried and convicted, yet “was ruthlessly pursued by small men over the use of taxis for her own personal safety”. She criticised the “toxic” environment and accused some male councillors of “aggressive, misogynistic behaviour.”

Bailie Dr Soryia Siddique, Labour, said Muslim women “face even more discrimination”. She asked: “Is it acceptable that I am the only elected woman of colour in the largest authority in Scotland and sometimes the only diverse voice at meetings in the most diverse ward in Scotland?

“When we elect representatives that look and have similar lived experiences as the communities they represent, we make better decisions.”

SNP Councillor Anna Richardson, city convener for sustainability and carbon reduction, who also won’t seek re-election, said: “When seeking selection in 2015, a member of my own branch expressed concern that with three young kids, how would I be able to cope with council as well?

“I assured him that having raised three children under five, I could do just about anything. It was light-hearted but it stayed with me as a reminder that those attitudes are still there.”

The Langside councillor said it had been “deeply fulfilling” to show her children “what it means to believe that things can be better and be part of making that change”.

Councillor Kim Long, Greens, won’t seek re-election, and she believes local councillors pay is the “single biggest barrier to gender balance in local government.”

“The allowance when I was elected was £17k and given Scottish councillors work on average 37 hours a week, we literally do not earn a living.

“People who are more likely to experience poverty, including BAME people, trans people and disabled people, are further from being able to take on a job with low pay and because women’s greater care responsibilities leave a finite number of hours for earning an income, we are ruled out from doing or staying in this job.”

Councillor McTernan, who is also stepping down, said: “Women are half the population and this should be reflected in our council chambers. This matters because our councils do not reflect the lived experience of the people they seek to represent.

“If we want more women in councils then we need to listen to women, to listen to why they are not standing or why they are standing down and we need to address the range of barriers that we face.”

A report on any necessary changes to council policy to help remove barriers to elected office will now be produced after Councillor McTernan’s motion was passed.