IT’S odds on for Yes to win indyref2 if it is held next year, according to bookmakers.

Betting firm Smarkets have given 8/11 odds on Scotland voting for independence next year.

But there appears to only be an outside probability of this happening, with the firm saying there is currently a 10% chance of a referendum taking place on the Scottish Government’s proposed date of October 19, 2023.

Ladbrokes are offering 9/2 on a vote going ahead next year but they reckon it is less likely to happen either before or after.

The safest bet offered by Ladbrokes is that a referendum will not happen before 2025, with odds of 1/5.

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Smarket thinks there is only a 47% chance Scotland will vote No in another referendum, meaning it thinks this outcome is less likely than for independence, in figures that were published last month.

But the biggest gamble Scots could take would be staying in the UK, Alba have said. 

Chris McEleny, the party's general secretary, said: "Liz Truss has a better chance of riding the winner at the Grand National than she does improving the economic prospects of hard pressed Scots struggling to pay their bills.

The National:

“Staying part of a UK that is hell-bent on economic self-destruction to see just how bad things will get would be the biggest gamble we could ever take, whereas independence gives us the opportunity to chart a better path for Scotland."

Alba have demanded Holyrood be recalled because it is currently in recess for party conference season. 

McEleny added: "The Scottish Parliament should be recalled so that we can have an independence bill tabled immediately.”

Maggie Chapman, the Greens MSP for the North East, said: "After 12 long and brutal years of Tories in Downing Street, it is no surprise that more and more people are seeing the positive case for Scottish independence.

"The status quo is not working. Westminster is not working. We can see it in the prices for food and other essential goods, and every time we look at our eyewatering energy bills. In 2014 we were promised stability, but Westminster has given us nothing but chaos.

"The case for independence is not just about escaping from more years of Tory rule, although that would definitely be a positive. It is also about empowering our communities and having the financial levers to deliver the green change that Scotland needs.

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"Things can be so much better than this. Next year's referendum will give us the chance to build a fairer, greener and better future as a progressive and independent country in Europe."

Odds have been slashed in the years following the 2014 vote. According to a 2014 report in The Guardian, bookmakers were near certain Scots would reject independence, giving odds of 12/5 of Yes winning and 2/5 Scots would vote to remain in the Union.

It comes amid heightened uncertainty for the future of the Union, with a poll published exclusively in the Sunday National this week showing Yes and No were evenly tied and Yes winning outright if the case was made that independence would deliver a fairer economy and higher pensions.

And the latest figures from the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey show support for Yes on 52%. This was especially significant as it tracks how opinions change over time, with support for independence rising mostly steadily since 2014.

Meanwhile other polls have support for Prime Minister Liz Truss at catastrophic lows, with just one in 10 Britons believing she is doing a good job, according to YouGov.