THE BBC is facing questions over its decision to invite former Ukip and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage onto a major radio show amid fears of overcrowding at a migration centre in Kent.

One Tory MP has suggested that there is a “breach of humane conditions” at the Manston facility, which is designed to hold 1600 people but is thought to be holding more than 4000 at present.

It comes after a 66-year-old man threw petrol bombs at another migrant centre in Dover on Sunday. The man’s name is yet to be released.

With the plight of those crossing the Channel in focus on Monday, the public broadcaster decided to invite Farage onto its World At One show.

The former MEP has regularly used his GB News programme to stoke fears over people crossing the Channel. The number of people making the trip is at a record level.

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“The problem isn’t that Manston isn’t big enough, the problem certainly isn’t that the Home Office didn’t book hotel rooms – hotel rooms are booked all over the country. The problem is the sheer numbers coming … and they’re the ones we know about.”

Farage went on: “Anybody who enters the country via these means should never be granted refugee status.”

Asked about his position on introducing new safe and legal routes to claim asylum in the UK, Farage instead started to blame immigrants for a lack of available doctor’s appointments.

“Our population has risen by over eight million since 2002. Is it any wonder we can’t get GP appointments, the roads are full, you can’t get your kids into the local primary schools.”

There was fury across the political spectrum over the interview.

The National:

Labour MP Richard Burgon (above) slammed the public broadcaster: “What a terrible decision by the BBC to interview Nigel Farage over the Manston migrant centre.

“What the hell does he have to offer in this debate?

“This is the time for a serious discussion on the impact of the Tory’s cruel immigration policies. Not more myths and scapegoating.”

Anti-Brexit author Nick Tyrone asked why he had been booked. “Genuine question: Given Nigel Farage has retired from politics and is a pundit on a rival network, why does the BBC keep platforming him?”

And Byline Times journalist Adam Bienkov appeared outraged by the timing of the appearance.

“Nigel Farage on the World at One spreading bile about a 'flood' of migrants coming to the UK, the day after an immigration centre in Dover was attacked with petrol bombs,” he tweeted.

The BBC has been contacted for comment.

READ MORE: Focus on right-wing media's 'dehumanising' coverage of migrants after Dover attack

On Monday afternoon, the Home Office was accused of a “deliberate” decision to allow overcrowding at the Manston centre, potentially to send a signal to people looking to cross the Channel.

A source close to former home secretary Priti Patel has argued that overcrowding was avoided while she was in post, as staff would book more hotels to prevent it.

However just weeks into Braverman’s new role, there are reports of dangerous scenes at Marston. While families are meant to briefly stay there while awaiting processing, some have apparently been there for weeks – forced to sleep on mats on the floor of tents.

Braverman, who was briefly removed from the Home Office post after breaking the ministerial code, was warned that if she had deliberately kept people at the Manston facility it could count as another rule breach.

Sir David Normington, who was the Home Office permanent secretary between 2005 and 2011, said: “If it was deliberate, it’s a very serious matter.

“It’s potentially another breach of the ministerial code because home secretaries, ministers, have to obey the law.”