A MEMORIAL book for those who have experienced a pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks will be available this summer, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed.

Sturgeon, who has spoken a lot about experiencing a miscarriage herself, said the sense of grief will “stay with me and my husband forever”, adding she would’ve drawn comfort from having a way to mark their loss. 

Along with an entry in the book, those who have experienced a loss will be able to apply for a commemorative certificate which is intended to give recognition and comfort to those who want to record their loss.

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The service will be free of charge and completely voluntary.

Sturgeon said: “The loss of a pregnancy or a baby is always painful.

“I have spoken in the past about my personal experience of miscarriage, and I know the sense of grief will stay with me and my husband forever.

“I also know that we would have drawn comfort at the time if there had been a way for us to mark the loss and formally recognise the child we were grieving.

“Launching this memorial book with the National Records of Scotland will give parents an opportunity – if they wish it - to commemorate their loss with a physical record, and to have their child recognised.

“I am very proud to support the memorial book and hope that it will bring comfort to those experiencing the pain of baby loss. I also hope that might also help break the silence and stigma around the loss of a pregnancy or a baby that sadly still exists in our society.”

The FM later wrote on Twitter: "This is the right thing to do, & means a lot to me personally.

"For anyone experiencing miscarriage the grief is real - and for many there will be comfort in being able to recognise the loss of the child you hoped your pregnancy would become. Thanks to those who made it possible,"

Applications to record a pre-24 week loss in the book - produced jointly by the Scottish Government and the National Records of Scotland - will go live following the launch in summer.

The National:

There is no statutory requirement to record a loss, but for anyone who does wish to record one it must have taken place in Scotland or applicants must reside in Scotland at the time of application.

There will be no requirement for applicants to submit medical evidence of the loss with the application and historical applications will be welcomed.

More than one loss can be recorded by an applicant, with each one requiring a separate application.