HUMZA Yousaf will pitch his party as the only one which can deliver Scotland’s “green future” during a campaign speech in Aberdeen.

On Monday, the SNP leader will deliver a speech on the energy sector at His Majesty’s Theatre in the city.

He will be joined by SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn, the MP for Aberdeen South.

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On Saturday the First Minister was campaigning in the Moray seat of Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross.

Yousaf is expected to say: “The usual Westminster political game playing is fatally undermining Scotland’s ambitions in what will be the defining economic opportunity of our time.

“Neither Labour or the Tories has the backbone – the political will, or the political mettle to back Scotland’s green future. The SNP does.

“In Scotland we have the will. We have the energy. All we lack is the power.

“Remote control of Scottish energy from Westminster has been a complete failure, in every sense of the word.

“A vote for the SNP, is a vote to control our energy future.

“For powers over energy to be in Scotland’s hands, not Westminster’s.

“With that power, we will do what Labour and the Tories have failed to do.

“Make Scotland’s energy work for Scotland, not for Westminster.”