JOHN Swinney says he is “pleased” to have a “constructive conversation” with an SNP LGBT+ group which had raised concerns over the appointment of Kate Forbes as Deputy First Minister.

The SNP LGBT+ group Out for Independence (OFI) had raised concerns from members of the group and the wider LGBT+ community with views held by the recently appointed Forbes.

The MSP for Skye, Lochaber, and Badenoch, was officially confirmed as Swinney’s deputy on Thursday and has previously said she would have voted against gay marriage were she an MSP at the time.

The National: Kate Forbes

After her appointment, the OFI released a statement saying they were “aware of the real concerns within the LGBT+ community at the appointment of Kate Forbes given the views she has previously presented”.

However, on Friday evening Swinney met with members of OFI and reasserted his earlier commitments that the expectations of inclusivity in his government apply to everyone and has apologised if that was not made clear.

READ MORE: Scottish Government issue statement on gender bill after John Swinney interview

In a statement online the OFI said the First Minister was able to provide specific reassurances that he, and his Cabinet, will move forward with the Conversion Practices bill and that it will remain trans-inclusive.

The group also noted that Forbes had released a statement prior to their meeting where she stated she was committed to the collective responsibility of the cabinet and will serve everyone which includes the LGBT community.

Taking to Twitter/X after the meeting Swinney said: “I was pleased to have a constructive conversation with Out For Indy this afternoon.

“Throughout my time in government, I have been proud to support, promote, and advance LGBT rights - and the Government I now lead will continue to do so.”

OFI noted they were grateful for the commitments made by the First Minister and his Deputy, but added: "Actions do speak louder than words."

The group also said they will continue to monitor the progress of all legislation relating to the advancement of LGBT+ rights by the SNP government.

The full statement from OFI said: “We want to thank John Swinney and Shirley-Anne Somerville for their time this evening and for the frank, honest, and open discussion about the LGBT+ community’s concerns with recent appointments, as well as the future advancement of LGBT+ rights in Scotland.

“The FM reasserted his commitments made earlier today and confirmed that the expectations of his government apply to everyone in his government.

"The FM also took the time to apologise if this was not made clear sooner - which we appreciate.

“The FM also, rightly, noted his track record in advancing LGBTQ+ rights and representation, most specifically ensuring Scotland became the first country in the world to have LGBTQ+ inclusive education.

“We also would like to note the scarcely reported statement made by Kate Forbes today where she gives her commitment to collective responsibility of cabinet, and that she stands by the FM as he seeks to serve everybody, ‘including the LGBT community’.

“As this has not been widely reported we will separately share the full text of Ms Forbes’ statement.

“During our conversations this evening the FM was able to provide specific reassurances that he, and his Cabinet, will move forward the Conversion Practices bill and that it will remain trans inclusive.

“The FM also expressed his support for the advancement of queer rights for all in our community.

“We are grateful for the range of commitments made by the FM this evening and choose to believe Ms Forbes’ words.

“However, at the end of the day, actions do speak louder than words and we will continue to monitor the progress of all legislation relating to the advancement of LGBTQ+ rights, and hope that these words are followed through upon.

“We appreciate & value that SNP has a leader who responds to his members & understands the value of critical friends. It’s a strength & a tribute to our Party that we’re able to come together, discuss difficult issues & ensure the voices of members & activists are heard.

“We stand ready to aid the FM and his team in any way we can to achieve a Progressive, Equal and Independent Scotland.”