AID groups have said they are “horrified” by an Israeli air strike on tents housing displaced people in Rafah.

It is understood that the attack has left at least 35 people dead, according to Palestinian medics.

Footage from the scene showed widespread destruction at a camp with a large fire overtaking the area.

The Israeli military said its air force struck a Hamas compound and that the strike was carried out with “precise ammunition and on the basis of precise intelligence”.

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The Hamas-run government media office in Gaza earlier said the attack hit a centre run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees near Rafah, saying it was a “horrific massacre”.

A spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said the death toll was likely to rise and added that the location of the strike had been designated as a humanitarian area by Israel, saying “citizens were coerced into evacuating to it”.

The Red Cross meanwhile said its field hospital in Rafah was receiving an influx of casualties, and that other hospitals were also taking in a large number of patients.

The National: It is thought that at least 35 people were killed in the attack. Image: Getty

Writing on Twitter/X, aid group Médecins Sans Frontières said: “We are horrified by this deadly event, which shows once again that nowhere is safe.

“We continue to call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza.”

Elsewhere, former first minister Humza Yousaf also condemned Israel for the attack, writing: “Days after the ICJ orders Israel to halt its military offensive in Rafah, the Israeli government bombs displaced people living in tents.

“Innocent men, women & children dismembered and burnt alive. Bear witness to the images and ask yourself, are you on the right side of history?”

House of Lords member Sayeeda Warsi said on social media: “Horrific scenes from Rafah tonight.

“Too awful to re-post charred and decapitated bodies of children. And all while the world watches.

“I truly hope that in my lifetime we see those in power held to account – those who could have stopped this and failed to do so.

“The appalling heartless leaders who could not even find the words to condemn a massacre that has been live-streamed on our phones for months.”

She added that “UK foreign policy on Palestine is morally bankrupt” and said “I am sorry we failed you” to the people of Palestine.

The National:

The Palestinian ambassador to the UK, Husam Zomlot, added: “Israel commits a massacre in #Rafah this evening, dropping several 2000-pound bombs on civilian tents and #UN compounds, murdering dozens of civilians seeking shelter.

“This was Israel’s response to the ICJ ruling Friday that it must halt its offensive in Rafah.”

We previously told how the International Court of Justice ruled Israel was to immediately end its military offensive in the southern Gazan city, citing the “immediate risk” to the Palestinian people.