THE Scottish Greens and Alba Party have been left fuming after being snubbed from a major TV debate.  

It was announced on Wednesday night that STV is set to broadcast a televised debate between four Scottish party leaders.

On June 3, SNP leader John Swinney, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross and Scottish LibDem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton will feature in a 90-minute debate.

STV’s political editor Colin Mackay will oversee proceedings although neither the Scottish Greens nor Alba will feature.

Reacting to the news on Twitter/X, Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer said: “Scotland has five major parties. STV are excluding the @scottishgreens from their debate despite:

“All four of these men being MSPs rather than MPs/candidates, just like our leaders

The National:

“The 3:1 anti-indy panel despite half of Scotland being pro indy

“It’s a manel without @lornaslater.”

Green MSP Mark Ruskell meanwhile tweeted “no Greens, no party”.

Elsewhere, campaign manager for the Glasgow Greens Ellie Gomersall said: “This is a disgrace. Four men. No Greens, despite having elected 8 MSPs in 2021 and having recently been a literal party of government.

“The anti-Green media bias on full display – as well as the male dominated nature of Scottish politics.”

The Alba Party have also been excluded from the debate with STV criticised for the decision by general secretary and Westminster candidate Christopher McEleny.

He said on Twitter/X: “Odd behaviour from @STVNews. Hold a General Election debate in Scotland, but only have the leaders of parties at Holyrood on the debate – and then exclude the only Holyrood Party solely led there by a woman.”

READ MORE: John Swinney slams ITV for excluding SNP from election debate

In a separate post, he added: “Lads lads lads. And of course as @STVNews has chosen to exclude women from the debate they also have chosen to ensure it’s an all-male line-up by excluding from being moderator.”

The anger from both parties comes after the SNP were also left fuming with ITV who announced a head-to-head debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. 

John Swinney said his party was making “strenuous representations” to broadcasters for inclusion in TV debates in the run-up to the election.

An STV spokesperson said: “STV’s election coverage, including the upcoming leaders’ debate, is consistent with Ofcom’s Programme Code.”