STEPHEN Flynn received laughs from the audience after mocking Nigel Farage at the BBC General Election debate.

It came after the SNP Westminster leader answered a question about immigration during the seven-way BBC election debate.

“Migration is absolutely essential to our public services, it’s absolutely essential to our businesses,” he said.

“In Scotland, we have a declining working-age population despite a net number of people moving from the rest of the UK to Scotland.

“We need migrants, and this race to the bottom on migration driven by Nigel Farage, followed by the Conservative Party and hotly chased by the Labour Party, does not serve Scotland’s interests, and it does not serve your interests either, so rise up against it.”

To applause, Flynn said (above) voters had been “led down the garden path by the right wing in British politics for far too long. We need to stand against it, we need to promote our economy, promote our public services, and do so by promoting migration”.

Farage then said he wanted to inject some “logic” into the discussion, to which Flynn replied: “That would be a novelty for you.”

This led to laughs in the audience.