AS part of our General Election campaign coverage, we'll be bringing you leaders interviews conducted by top columnist and broadcaster Lesley Riddoch. 

Lesley will be sitting down for filmed one-to-ones with the SNP's John Swinney, the Greens' Lorna Slater and Alba's Alex Salmond in the run-up to election day. 

It comes after Richard Murphy launched his series of economics interviews with the pro-independence parties' economic spokespeople today.

While Lesley is a seasoned journalist and doesn't exactly need help thinking up questions for the party leaders, we would love to know what YOU want the politicians to respond to.

We always like to involve our readers in major Q&As, and these are no different.

Below, there is an option for subscribers to submit their questions. Please keep the theme quite strictly around the Westminster election, as the media has seen too much conflation of devolved and reserved issues already.

We may not be able to ask every individual question, but we will certainly use our valued subscribers' suggestions to inform our work.

Thank you, and stay tuned for our leaders interviews in the coming weeks.