THE body charged with overseeing MPs' expenses has dismissed complaints made against outgoing Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross. 

Earlier this month, an investigation by the Sunday Mail accused Ross of improperly using his MP expenses to travel to his third job as an assistant referee. 

It alleged that there were 28 claims made by Ross associated not with his work as a politician but rather as an official at football games. 

Ross allegedly billed the taxpayer for flights from London to Glasgow and Edinburgh, where he was working as an SFA linesman.

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However, the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) has dismissed complaints against Ross regarding the expenses claims. 

A spokesperson told The Scottish Sun: "We have reviewed Mr Ross's travel claims, relating to the allegations made in the press, and met with him to discuss the issues that have been raised. 

"Following this review, we are satisfied that the claims were within IPSA's rules and no further action is required." 

The body said that diversionary travel by MPs from Westminster back to their constituency - to attend a party event or other engagement - was considered a legitimate claim.