A FORMER Labour general secretary has said she is voting for the Greens in the General Election, saying that the party has a “much more transformative agenda” than Labour.

Jennie Formby (below), who was general secretary between 2018 and 2020, urged people to “vote for parties that genuinely represent what we believe in”.

In a statement on Twitter/X, Formby said: "I'm voting Green, not perfect but much more transformative agenda.

“And people can’t just keep voting Labour ‘because we’ve got to get the Tories out’.

“They’re out anyway so we should vote for parties that genuinely represent what we believe in – which may well be Independents.”

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Formby stepped down as general secretary after Keir Starmer was elected as the new Labour leader. She has previously shown support for his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn.

She criticised Labour’s manifesto, particularly the party’s position on privatisation within the NHS and the cap on child benefits.

Formby praised the Greens’ policy on taxation, adding that the Greens are “the only major party committed to using a wealth tax to revitalise public services, strengthen union and workers’ rights, free personal care for all and much more to make the UK a fairer, more equal, and of course, greener society”.

She has also been a vocal supporter of Palestine.

It comes as shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves met with business leaders in London on Monday, telling them their “fingerprints” are “all over” the Labour manifesto.