THE former leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson has taken a swipe at Nicola Sturgeon over her plan to appear as a pundit on ITV's election night coverage. 

Earlier this month the broadcaster announced that Sturgeon would feature alongside both George Osborne and Ed Balls as part of the General Election coverage on July 4. 

However, it appears Sturgeon's planned appearance has unearthed old resentments for Baroness Davidson of Lundin Links. 

In her column for the Scottish Daily Mail, Davidson appeared to ignore dismal polling predictions for her party and suggested the General Election was a chance for "pro-UK voters" to "get rid of the SNP". 

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She said: "This election in Scotland is a huge opportunity for pro-UK voters. This is the chance that we have all been waiting for over the past decade.

"We can finally get rid of the SNP in seats up and down Scotland. We can put an end to their demands for independence – for good.". 

She added that she would be tuning in to Sturgeon's appearance on ITV. 

"I want to switch on the telly that night and see her face as she realises her push for independence is finished," she said. 

A poll released over the weekend predicted that the Scottish Tories would be left with just a single seat in Scotland. 

The analysis by Survation suggested that the SNP would win 37 seats and remain Scotland's largest party while Labour would win 14 seats (increasing to 21 if marginal results go their way). 

SNP deputy leader Keith Brown said Davidson's hopes for an end to the independence debate were anti-democratic. 

"Ruth Davidson’s comments smack of desperation as she can’t even bring herself to mention the toxic Tories who have inflicted 14 years of austerity, Brexit and a cost-of-living crisis on people across Scotland," he said. 

"People will not be surprised at an unelected Baroness trying to squash democracy and Scotland’s chance to build a fairer society as an independent country."